The objective: Integrate project data and information from WP1, WP2, and WP3, design both planting packages, experimental network and tools for further establishment and monitoring of on-farm trials, the proposal for funding on-farm trials, and identify new research questions for a new research proposal.

In WP 4, all activities that have been carried out in WP 0 to WP 3 will be summarized. All data for each WP 1-3 will be integrated into WP 4. In addition, at this stage, planning solutions to solve problems that occurred in WP 1-3 will also be carried out. Integrating and planning solutions will follow a step-by-step process throughout the project life with all stakeholders. Then we will also identify possible tentative scenarios.

Data is integrated by implementing Participatory management & Facilitation of dialogue between disciplines. This is done by carrying out the Bi-annual Project Workshops agenda attended by work package members and stakeholders' representatives. At this stage, the Progress report of WPs will be presented. After that, it was continued with the agenda of Side meeting sessions to integrate the outputs progressively, identify new questions to be studied during the project or to be implemented in another step, and compile the preliminary conclusions that may lead to the iteration of research activities. These agendas will result in tentative scenarios discussed at the second multilateral workshop.

Besides, WP 4 also developed the KoboCollect system to formalise on-farm data collection. Furthermore, a full-scale test of the Kobocollect system in Indonesian smallholding will be carried out. The trial is initiated by conducting training and on-farm tests in Indonesia (3 days of seminar and 3 days of field test).

After the data is well integrated and solution design has been obtained, an agenda of Sharing and disseminating co-constructed solutions at WP 4 will be carried out. Dissemination will be carried out using the project website, participation to International Conferences (IRRDB Conference, the International Rubber Conference or World Forestry Congress, etc.), a summary concept-note to the different organisations (Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Forestry, NGOs, producers 'associations, etc.), a scientific position paper on the project conclusions, and drafting a proposal for funding further on-farm trials and on-going research studies.