Second RUBIS Multi-stakeholder Workshop 2023.

Designing solutions for resilient rubber cultivation systems for smallholders in a context of climate change. Identification of issues and solutions in the natural rubber value chain and development of terms of reference for sustainable adaptive technical packages for rubber smallholders

The aim of this workshop is to identify problems and solutions in the natural rubber value chain and to develop terms of reference for sustainable adaptive technical packages for smallholder plantations. This workshop will bring together 25 participants representing all stakeholders, including the Directorate General of Estate Crops and Seeds, rubber associations (GAPKINDO, APKARINDO, UPPB), farmers, rubber experts, private companies (RLU), academics (UGM, UNJA, USU, UNSRI) and researchers (IRRI, CIRAD).

Workshop Program

Hari/Tanggal Waktu Materi Topic Fasilitator
Senin, 6 November 2023 13.00 - selesai Kedatangan peserta Participant arrival Tim Sekretariat


7 November 2023

08.30-09.00 Registrasi Peserta Participant registration Tim Sekretariat
09.00-09.05 Menyanyikan lagu Indonesia Raya National anthem Yesi Ambarwati
09.05-09.15 Kata Sambutan dan pembukaan Rubis Workshop II Welcome address and opening RUBIS Workshop Kepala Pusat Penelitian Karet, Dr. Suroso Rahutomo
09.15-09.25 Doa Pray M. Rizki Darojat
09.25-09.35 Foto Bersama Photo session Panitia

Sesi 1.

Pengenalan Rubis project dan Workshop Participatory Multi-stakeholder Workshop II

Tea break

Session 1.

Introduction of RUBIS project and  Workshop Participatory Multi-stakeholder Workshop II

Tea break

Koordinator Rubis project, Dr. Fetrina Oktavia

Moderator; Dwi Shinta Agustina,

Notulen : Eka Dina Pranata


Sesi 2.

Perkenalan Peserta

Session 2.

Introduction of participants

Sigit Ismawanto/Andrea Akbar

Sesi 3a.

Pengembangan rantai nilai

Session 3a.

Co-design of rubber value chain. FGD to define steps and actors of the value chain

Dr. Andi Nur Cahyo/Iman Satra Nugraha, S.E

Notulen: Hajar Aswadi

12.15-13.15 ISHOMA Lunch break Panitia
13.15-13.30 Ice Breaking   Sigit Ismawanto/Andrea Akbar

Sesi 3b.

Pengembangan rantai nilai

Session 3b.

Co-design of rubber value chain. FGD to organize steps of the value chain

Dr. Andi Nur Cahyo/Iman Satra Nugraha, S.E

Notulen: Hajar Aswadi

14:30-17:00 Kunjungan ke GATPD
(Afdeling 3) dan Tea Break
Field visit with tea break Martini Aji
8 November 2023 08:00-9:30

Sesi 4a.

Identifikasi faktor pembatas dan solusi permasalahan pada perkebunan karet rakyat dan industri terkait

Session 4a. Identification of limiting factors and solutions along the value chain. World Café

Dwi Shinta Agustina, M.Sc/Charlos Togi Stevanus

Notulen: Andi Wijaya

9:30-9:45 Tea Break   Panitia

Sesi 4b.

FGD identifikasi faktor pembatas dan solusi permasalahan pada value chain

Session 4b. Focus Group Discussion on identification of limiting factors and solutions along the value chain

Dwi Shinta Agustina, M.Sc/Charlos Togi Stevanus

Notulen: Andi Wijaya

11:15-11:30   Break  

Sesi 5.

Ruang lingkup inovasi terkait faktor pembatas dan solusi

Session 5.

World Café & 6-thinking hats on innovation tracks with regard to limiting factors and expected solutions of the value chain.

Martini Aji, Aprizal Alamsyah, Andrea Akbar, Hajar Asywadi, Andi Wijaya, Dina Eka Pranata

Notulen: M. Rizki Darojat

12:30-13:30 ISHOMA Lunch break Panitia
13:30-14:00   Ice breaking Sigit Ismawanto/Andrea Akbar

Sesi 6.

Penyusunan dan perancangan paket teknologi perkebunan karet rakyat

Session 6.

Co-building of the basis of terms of reference for designing adaptive technical packages for smallholders

Iman Satra Nugraha, Afrizal Alamsyah, Dwi Shinta Agustina, Andi Nur Cahyo

Notulen: Charlos Togi S


Step 6a.

Diskusi untuk komponen paket teknologi perkebunan karet rakyat

Session 6a.

Discussion to define packages components

Iman Satra Nugraha, Afrizal Alamsyah, Dwi Shinta Agustina, Andi Nur Cahyo

Notulen: Charlos Togi S


Step 6b.

World Café diskusi paket teknologi perkebunan karet rakyat

Step 6b.

 World Café on packages components

Iman Satra Nugraha, Afrizal Alamsyah, Dwi Shinta Agustina, Andi Nur Cahyo

Notulen: Charlos Togi S


Step 6c.

Diskusi untuk melengkapi informasi kerangka acuan

Step 6c.

 Discussion to complete missing information for the packages terms of reference

Iman Satra Nugraha, Afrizal Alamsyah, Dwi Shinta Agustina, Andi Nur Cahyo

Notulen: Charlos Togi S

16:45-17:00 Penutupan Workshop Workshop closing Dr Fetrina Oktavia


9 November 2023

9.00 - selesai Kepulangan Peserta Departure Tim Sekretariat